Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Game Project 1: 21/11-2018

Project Name: *Under Consideration*

Hello Again!

It has been a tense Wednesday, but at the same time very fulfilling.

We started up with a stand-up meeting at 9:00 where we decided on the spot that we had to move the deadline for deciding on a setting from Friday at 16:00 to 16:00 today. After everyone agreed, even though there was a lot of tension and insecurity within the team, a lot of creativity and ideas emerged and everyone seemed to appreciate that their ideas were all welcome.

At 16:00 the artists gathered and presented their ideas to us, and even though both settings were possible and seemed to fit the game, luckily the group was pretty unanimous about the decision in the end.

The setting we decided on was that of an underground research facility where they conduct illegal experiments. The player's role is therefore that of an agent who is gathering evidence in order to bring the responsible to justice, instead of thief stealing items from a mansion which was the alternative.

The most of the day was spent on updating the Trello board, GDD and the Asset Breakdown Document. We also decided on some minor but crucial elements regarding the user interface. Also, fixed Hg Tortoise on our computers.

That is all I had for today!
Until next time!

// Samuel

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