Thursday, December 6, 2018

Game Project 1:6/12-2018

Project Name: Experimented (Not yet decided)


Today we all got a little worried for the presentation we are doing for our teachers tomorrow as we have not yet stress tested our game with all the assets we have for the game and not even started on building on the final level which is made fully with modular pieces, which we started working on today and also some play testing with the json config file.

The artists had one of their most productive days today and spewed out dozens of props, so much so that they are struggling having stuff to do. We have only been able to add in placeholders as of now, but we plan to import all assets we have now into the game next week and do a stress test to see if the game can handle it without crashing or causing lag.

The programmers mostly fixed bugs with the guards but also a few major faults with the json file. Although, they also found the time to fix some simple UI elements (highlighting of objects and crosshair) and also the guard being able to turn around if the player gets too close to him.

Personally I spent the whole day playtesting and when I did not do that, I took a lap around to see how the others were fairing and helped them out in making decisions. I do this regularly to keep tabs on everyone.

Meanwhile, I left my co-designer to start doing the final level design using modules. In the end, he made most of the hallway in the level.

At the end of the day some of us chose to stay and work overtime to continue working on the game in order to have more to show for the teachers tomorrow morning. Hopefully, we can implement the final version of the model of the guard.

That is all I had to share today.

// Samuel 


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